Hydroponic Farm Setup in India

Hydroponic Farm Development in India

Kryzen Biotech is India’s leading hydroponic setup provider. We mainly concentrate on cultivation using hi-tech techniques of hydroponic farming in India. Our Hydroponic Farms can be set up anywhere in India & abroad. We set up various hydroponic systems such as the Nutrient flow technique also known as NFT or deep flow technique also known as DFT, grow bags, dutch buckets or vertical farming systems inside naturally ventilated polyhouse or fan and pad systems. We can set up indoor as well as outdoor farms.

We are a quality-first company in the domain of hydroponics.

  • We help you grow tasty, healthy and high-quality produce.
  • Zero climate dependency in our hydroponic farm.
  • Totally automated & very limited human intervention.
  • Our Hydroponic Farm setup is based on building an eco-friendly and sustainable environment.
  • We believe in strengthening and enhancing the experience of those associating with us.

The highest number of projects in India.

We have the highest number of farms in India as of 2022. We have farms located across India which are operating under different geography, from the cold region of Manali to hot Chennai, from the humidity of goa to dry Rajasthan. See the list of our projects here.

Are you planning to set up a hydroponic farm? Fill out this enquiry form and we will get in touch with you.

Or if you are planning just to learn about hydroponic farming check out Hydroponic Masterclass.